Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Cutest

You guys, Saturday my mail man brought the cutest mail ever! My husband went to get the mail and as he was walking back inside, he noticed a familiar address in the senders field of one of the envelopes. It was my parents address. Immediately we wondered what was being mailed to me from a house I frequent on a weekly basis.  I immediately ripped it open and to my surprise it was a super cute girl looking back at me. I flipped it open thinking it was an invitation that perhaps someone asked my sister to give to me. This happens sometimes, people will leave invitations or something at my parents house for me to pick up when I visit. I was wrong, it was a just because card from my sister.  My sister knew I would like this card and bought it and you know, she was right! I'm going to frame it and put it in my glam room.  Honestly, the message was the cutest. This tiny gesture made my day. I'm going to try to return this feeling to my sister and anyone else in the future. I just gotta make my way to the post office now.  

What do you guys do to brighten someones day? 

Friday, July 28, 2017

Three Days

I imagine an older couple sitting here watching the sunset. 

My view from the pool. 

Hanging with Lucile Ball.

Dodger's in action while we ate dinner.

Lechon Slider (SOOOO GOOD)

Turkey Sammy

Night swimming views.

This week my husband and I took three days off from work and headed to the desert. Our destination this time, Palm Springs. We had no plans but to lay by the pool, swim, eat, sleep and repeat. This was probably the first time we had a relaxing getaway. Most of the time when we go on vacations or little getaways, we normally consume our days with sightseeing and trying to see the most of a city. This time however was different. We've been to Palm Springs in the past and the heat was in the triple digits so there was no way we were doing anything but being in the pool. Something I love about Palm Springs is that they have lots of restaurants to choose from and not your typical franchise restaurants.  So we did a lot of eating, but I have no regrets. I feel so refreshed, relaxed and just glad we had those three days to ourselves. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Giving Up?

Do you guys ever feel like giving up? Lately, I've been feeling like giving up on this blog. I've been thinking, what do I want out of this blog? Why am I doing this? Is this going anywhere? Am I even good at blogging? I started this blog back in September 2014, and I do enjoy the snapping of the photographs and sharing some of my thoughts here.  This blog has been sort of like a diary for me, a very public diary. Sometimes I feel that if I want this blog to succeed I need to be more active, post on a regular basis and be very active on social media, which honestly I'm not. I get so caught up in my daily tasks and forget to post daily activities like what I'm drinking or eating. And then I wonder, what type of success would I like to achieve from this blog? 

I've noticed that with anything, I always get thoughts in my head and start to second guess myself and feel like I suck, I should just quit. For instance, I've always had an interest in sewing and I always end up giving up mid way through a project. I end up giving into my thoughts and stop pursuing an interest. I think this blog has been the longest extra curricular activity/project I've ever pursued. I have lots of ideas for this blog but the execution of those ideas is lacking. Why do I give into the negative thoughts instead of the positive ones?

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Museum Day

Last Sunday my husband and I had a museum day. Earlier that week we saw a news segment that was talking about a new exhibit at the Petersen Automotive Museum. The exhibit that immediately sparked my husband's interest, The High Art of Riding Low: Ranflas, Corazón E Inspiración. This new exhibit explores the world of the Low Rider and the inspiration on artist.  We made our way to the Miracle Mile in search of some Low Riders. 

Upon our arrival we were greeted by two beautiful cars but we still had to go up three floors to start the exploration. It was three levels of beautiful cars that took your breathe away.  Let me just say even if you are not a car aficionado, you should visit this museum. The museum is filled with beautiful historic cars from every possible era. It's amazing to see how far the automobile has come and how beautiful a car can be. 

Our visit ended on the first floor, at the exhibit we were initially there for. The exhibit was smaller than I expected but I really enjoyed it. The artwork on these cars is amazing, definitely worth a visit. In addition to the cars, they had artwork from artist that have been inspired by the Low Rider. At the end of our visit we left with the desire of owning classic car that we can drive around on Sundays, but we settled for a '67 Impala model car that we bought at the gift shop. 

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Tea Time, My Time.

A couple of months ago my sister purchased a Groupon for a tea house in Seal Beach and it was going to expire this past Saturday. We finally decided to use up the voucher and enjoy an afternoon tea. I'm not sure why it took us so long to redeem the voucher, but I'm glad we did. The place we went to was McKenna's Tea Cottage and it was just the cutest. In addition to the seating area, it had a cute little shop area where you can buy all sorts of goodies like candy, accessories and tea related items.

Anyways, it was nice to do something with my mom and sister. I always feel like I'm rushing my time to meet my husband for some sort of outing when I'm with them. So this time I told my husband not to make any plans because I was taking my time. I need to do this more often. I constantly feel like I'm in a hurry or being rushed, I don't even know why because I don't have kids.