Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Runyon Canyon

The following pictures are from the Mulholland Scenic Corridor, near Runyon Canyon. 

 I woke up at 5:30 a.m. on a Sunday to go on a hike,  this is very unlike me.  I LOVE to sleep! Runyon Canyon is a popular hiking trail in Los Angeles and has a tiny parking, so if you want to a parking space you need to beat the crowds and arrive extremely early. This hike was not as difficult as I expected, there was only one section that was very challenging because it was up hill and I honestly felt like I was struggling to breathe. I felt like I I had forgotten how to breathe and needed some sort of breathing tutorial! Once I reached the top I felt accomplished and like throwing up a little bit but I survived and the rest felt like a breeze.  

p.s. Sorry for another hiking post, I'll try to mix things up. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


I've been going on hikes every Sunday for the last month and half. I was actually working out during the week to be in shape for our Sunday hikes. I was doing this because I didn't want to feel like I was dying  and need a chopper to come and rescue me during our hikes. Summer came along and heated things up, and weekday workouts ended. I have an elliptical in my garage, which is a great work out but with the heat lately there is no way I can work out in there. I need to stay on track with this work out high and find a way to continue to work out in this heat. My best bet would be to wake up early and work out before the mercury rises, but waking up early is probably the hardest part of my day! I need help, suggestions will work too!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Give Them Shot!

Thought I would share some of the music that I'm enjoying lately that doesn't necessarily get a lot of radio play but is pretty good. Definitely worth your time, so check them out if you would like and give them a shot! 😉

1. Dua Lipa-Lots of energy, great lyrics and beats. 

2. Arizona-The entire album is good. Great for a road trip!

3. Ella Vos-Great soothing voice. Absolutely love the song "Little Brother"  and her latest song "You Don't Know About Me" is pretty good too!

4. Phoenix-"Ti Amo"  Makes me want to learn french!

5. The Revivalists-Okay this band is recently getting more radio play but its okay because I'm obsessed with the song "Wish  I knew you." Also great masculine voice!

6. Snoop Dogg-I know you're probably thinking, Snopp Dogg gets lots of radio play, and I totally agree with you. However, he dropped a new album last month and it has a really great song with October London and it's good! The song is "Go On".

What are you guys listening to lately?

Monday, June 5, 2017

Memory Monday

Wishing this guy's noggin wasn't in the picture!

A black sand beach!

When my husband and I got married we were in escrow to buy our first home. We used our savings to buy our home, throw a little back yard wedding and buy our furniture for our home. Since we both lived at home with our parents, we had nothing to bring with us but our TVs, lots of Cd's, DVDs  and my huge shoe collection! Which by the way, when my husband saw all the shoes I owned he banned me from buying any shoes for like a year! It was rough and lets just say I had to sneak some shoes into my house. Okay, that's besides the point.  What I was getting at was that when we got married we had a lot of expenses, so there was definitely no budget for a honeymoon. One of the promises my husband made me when we got married was that in a year we would go on a honeymoon. My husband is a man of his word, and he delivered. Upon the anniversary of our first year of marriage, we went to Hawaii! Today, I 'm sharing some pictures of that trip. We stayed on the big island and were amazed of all the beautiful things this Island has to offer. 

These pictures were taken on a small Canon camera and have not been edited with any filter.  If you would like to see more flashback post click here and here.